Harvest Life Church Youth Ministry is a safe place; focused on growing and reaching our fullest potential in Christ. The following Code of Conduct is designed to help ensure this happens. Church members and visitors are expected to abide by the following rules:
1. Be positive, polite and respectful to everyone, including youth, teachers, administrators, support staff, and visitors.
2. Do not be a bully. If you see someone being bullied, intervene by telling them to stop and immediately report it to the Youth Staff.
3. Do not become a distraction for others. Give every other youth the opportunity to maximize their potential.
4. Your attendance and participation is necessary in order for you to reach your fullest potential in Christ. If you cannot attend any Youth services or activities, please fill out the online form for your accountability. The form is available on the Youth website. Please be advised that attendance is the responsibility of both parents and youth.
5. The use of cell phones and similar electronic devices during sermons, classes or group activities will not be allowed unless it is for an approved use.
6. Respect the facilities – Clean up after yourself.
7. Dress appropriately with modesty. It is our intention to be holy and pleasing to God. No clothing with offensive, worldly or obscene content etc.
8. No obscene language, fighting, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or weapons.
9. Public displays of romantic affection while at church functions are inappropriate. This includes “hanging on” someone, excessive hugging, hand-holding, kissing, or other obviously “romantic” behavior.
10. Represent yourself in a manner that you will be proud of in 10 years. You only get one opportunity to get life right.
Understand when you participate in Youth Ministry activities you represent Christ, this Church, your parents, and yourself. What you say and do has an impact on others; it is our desire that your impact will be a positive one.