We Lead…We Grow…We Impact…We’re Harvest Life Church! From our Senior Pastors, the wonderful people that God has brought to our church, the countless lives we impact for Christ, the community reach to our dynamic Youth Program, our New Worship Center and more… When you see us cheering, smiling or sporting our Harvest gear, just know that we love God, love our Pastors and our church and are HARVEST STRONG!


Celebrating 29 Years of Kingdom Impact • Sunday, October 6th – Sunday, October 13th


Making An Impact Through Education: When I came to Harvest Life Church, I was a young adult starting graduate school and looking for a community to connect to. The Church gave me community and prepared me for God’s greater plans for my role in education. Looking back, I am thankful because I know that the more I connected to the Church, joined ministries, listened to my Pastors, and applied the Word to my life, the more doors opened, and unexpected opportunities to lead in education came my way. I have served the White House as the Director of the Office of Head Start at the Department of Health and Human Services and as a Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of Education.

Malachi Wins His Track Race: I am a student athlete and have been blessed to win several track races at my school – and to God be the glory! I’ve been growing in discipline and developing a strong work ethic to train for my track races. Part of these qualities comes from the culture of Harvest Life Church. Getting up in the mornings to serve in ministry and being involved with the Youth Leadership Program are helping me to understand the value of working hard, staying committed and remaining focused – and these qualities help me to approach every track race with a winner’s mentality.

Transforming Lives Through Production: I started out at Harvest Life as a bass player for the Youth Ministry but as I got more connected and involved in ministry, I discovered more of the gifts and talents that God placed in me. After becoming the Music Director, I also started to grow in the area of film and production and now serve as the Director of Harvest Life Studios. I lead an amazing production team and have been blessed to produce and direct several films, music videos, documentaries, ministry skits, highlight videos and social media content.

Producing a Kingdom Sound: I have been working professionally in the record-producing industry for the last 13 years. When I joined Harvest Life, God placed me in a position where I can use my passion, skills and talents to advance His Kingdom. I now lead a dynamic team of Audio Ministry volunteers and serve as the Audio Ministry Director to produce a Kingdom sound that is being heard through our music projects, worship services, streaming platforms and more!

Leading a Generation of Youth for Christ: I’ve been a member of Harvest Life my entire life and know firsthand the blessing and impact of our Youth Ministry. It is where I grew in my relationship with God, got rooted in the Word and learned to use my gifts and talents for the Kingdom. As a young adult, I serve as the Director of our Youth Leadership Ministry and help to disciple and empower our youth leaders to stand strong for Christ, take the lead and also lead others to do the same. They are growing in the Lord and making an impact for Him both inside and outside of the church!

Making an Impact at Patriot High School: I was recently recognized by Prince William County Public Schools and featured in a video for being an exceptional educational support professional. From setting up for the football games and helping out at the concession stand to welcoming students and taking on any tasks to help the school, I let my light shine for Christ in all that I do. The impact that I’m making on the students and faculty at Patriot High School is a direct result of the teaching and training I am receiving at Harvest Life Church.



Youth Community Cleanup at Occoquan Park

Our Youth are making an impact in our community! As a part of our Harvest Life Spirit Weekend, our youth in grades 6 – 12 participated in a community clean-up initiative at Occoquan Regional Park to help make a cleaner and more sustainable environment for local residents and visitors to enjoy.

Young at Heart Makes Care Packages for Shelter

Our Young at Heart joined together to make care packages that included lotion, deodorant, a toothbrush, toothpaste, socks, hand sanitizer and other hygiene essentials to bless the homeless and those in need. Through their efforts, they assembled over 250 care packages that were provided to the Ferlazzo Emergency Center for distribution.