We are living in a time where people need the Lord Jesus Christ like never before. And it is the responsibility of the LEADERS of God’s Church to carry out this spiritual task – the task of bringing Jesus to people and people to Jesus. From the patriarchs in the Old Testament to the Apostles and disciples in the New Testament (and now the modern day church) Church Leadership has always led the movement concerning making an impact for the Kingdom of God!
Leaders are the core element of transformation and the “heart beat” of God’s will. God declared concerning King David, one of God’s chief leaders, that:
“…I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will.” Acts 13:22
Bishops, Pastors, Elders, Ministers, Deacons and leaders of ministries, groups and sub-leaders are tremendously important to God and His Church which facilitates the work.
Here at Harvest Life we are committed to producing strong leaders –taking individuals that feel an inner calling or sense of purpose to lead and helping them to carry out their particular assignment concerning the Local Church and the Kingdom at large.
With our Leadership Training Program, it is our objective to disciple and develop leaders that are examples of the values and character that Christ demonstrated as well as being significant contributors to our leadership workforce that helps to get people saved, discipled and brings necessary ministry to pass.
Ultimately, we believe that being called to lead is a deeply personal experience that pleases God and brings a sense of fulfillment and purpose to one’s life. And as we work together, we are fulfilling the vision and mission that God has given. The Harvest Life Leadership Ministry is charged to answer the call.