Are you ready for a life-changing journey? Our Next Steps Program is designed to help you walk through completing important spiritual milestones, get plugged into the life of the ministry and bring you closer to a life of significance in Jesus Christ! Whether you are new to Christ, new to Harvest Life Church, or new to the Next Steps Program, we believe God has a next step for you – and we’re here to guide and support you along your journey in Christ at Harvest Life Church!
This Next Steps program will guide you through a list of 6 steps to take at Harvest Life Church that are intentional for your spiritual growth and development while providing support and a tracking system to help you successfully complete the program.
Each step has specific action items that are detailed below. The action items of Steps 1 – 3 do not have to be completed in order. However, they must all be completed before moving to Step 4.
At Step 4, you should complete the Christian Confirmation of Faith Submission Form to confirm your completion of Steps 1 – 3 and your attendance for the upcoming Christian Confirmation of Faith Ceremony (held on 5th Sundays during the 11:30 am service).
Upon completing the Submission Form, you should receive an email within 1 week with information about participating in the Christian Confirmation of Faith Ceremony. During this special ceremony, you will be recognized and receive a Christian Confirmation of Faith Certificate as we celebrate your growth in Christ! Invite family and friends to share in this special occasion with you. For more information about the Next Steps program, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.
The action items in Step 1 do not have to be completed in the order listed below.
- Get Saved: Make a commitment to give your life to Jesus Christ. You can come to the altar during a worship service to get saved or pray the Prayer of Salvation to invite Jesus into your life to be your Lord and Savior.
- Get Baptized: Sign up today to get baptized. Baptism is held every 1st Sunday following the 11:30 am service.
- Attend Harvest Life Connect Class: Get plugged into Harvest Life Church! Sign up today to attend the next Harvest Life Connect Class (held on 3rd Sundays following the 11:30 am service).
- Become a Member: Sign up today to become a member of the Harvest Life Church Family!
After you complete ALL the action items in Step 1, you are ready to move to Step 2!
The action items in Step 2 do not have to be completed in the order listed below.
- Attend New Life, New You Class: Sign up today to attend this class (held on 4th Sundays following the 11:30 am service) and learn about how to live the Kingdom life and experience the joy and blessings that comes with being in Christ!
- Set Up Your Giving: Set up your giving to make worshipping the Lord through tithing and offering a convenient process.
- Invite Someone: Invite someone to church so they can connect to Harvest Life, get saved and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
After you complete ALL the action items in Step 2, you are ready to move to Step 3!
The action items in Step 3 do not have to be completed in the order listed below.
- Serve on a Ministry: Get involved and make a Kingdom impact at Harvest Life Church with your gifts and talents by serving in ministry. Sign up today!
- Attend Sunday School Live with Pastor Deborah: Grow in your understanding of the Bible by attending this dynamic class – held on Sundays at 8:00 am. Learn more.
- Attend Sunday Services, Word Wednesday and More: It is important that you attend church on a consistent basis to receive the Word of God and grow stronger in Christ. View calendar for service dates and times.
- Participate in Family Mondays: We encourage you to participate in Family Monday with your family! Family Mondays are about building strong Christian families. We talk, pray, play games, eat together and grow in the Word of God with dynamic lessons. Learn more about leading your family in this awesome weekly activity!
- Get Involved with Your Life Group: Life is better when it’s lived together in Christ! Our Life Groups provide an environment where you can connect with other people in the same stage of life as you and enjoy fellowship, empowerment, exciting events and grow together in Christ! We encourage you to visit our Life Groups page to find your group and learn about how you can get involved!
After you complete ALL the action items in Steps 1 – 3, you are ready to move to Step 4!
You should receive an email within one week of your submission with details about participating in the Christian Confirmation of Faith Ceremony and receiving your certificate.
Complete this submission form to confirm you have completed all action items in Steps 1 -3 and are ready to receive your certificate.
After you complete Steps 1-4 and the “Christian Confirmation of Faith Submission Form”, you should receive an email within one week with details about participating in the Christian Confirmation of Faith Ceremony! The ceremony is held every 5th Sunday during the 11:30 am service (see dates below).
During this special ceremony, we will celebrate your spiritual growth and the milestones you achieved through participating in the Next Steps Program. You will also receive a Christian Confirmation of Faith Certificate!
We ask that you invite your family and friends to attend this ceremony so that they can witness this spiritual elevation in your life!
2025 Christian Confirmation of Faith Ceremony Dates:
- Sunday, March 30th during the 11:30 am service
- Sunday, June 29th during the 11:30 am service
- Sunday, August 31st during the 11:30 am service
- Sunday, November 30th during the 11:30 am service
Day-Of Instructions for the Ceremony:
1. Check-In: On the day of the ceremony, check in at the Christian Confirmation of Faith Ceremony table in the foyer beginning at 11:00 am (only the names of people who have checked in will be announced during the ceremony).
2. Attend the Worship and Christian Confirmation of Faith Service: After you check in, proceed to the sanctuary to be seated for the 11:30 am service. You and your guests may sit anywhere in the sanctuary.
3. The Christian Confirmation of Faith Ceremony:
- Your Name will be Called to Come to the Front of the Sanctuary: During service, an announcement will be made for you to come to the front of the sanctuary to participate in the ceremony. During the ceremony, an invitation will be made for your family and friends to stand with you for the Confirmation of Faith Prayer.
- Photos and Videos: The church will take a picture of each participant and make it available for download via our Harvest Life Facebook page. We ask that no additional photos or videos (outside of those taken by our designated photographers and videographers) be taken during the ceremony. We will have a backdrop available in the foyer for you and your family to take photos.
- Certificate: During the ceremony, you will be presented with a personalized Christian Confirmation of Faith Certificate to commemorate this special occasion.
4. Following Service:
- The Marketplace: Following the service, you and your family and friends are welcome to stop by the Marketplace and purchase a delicious meal, snacks, coffee and more and enjoy dining and fellowship in the foyer.
- Photo Station: Take a picture at our Photo Station (located in the foyer) after service with your family and friends to share on social media and celebrate this momentous occasion!
Attendance Cancellation:
If you previously signed up to participate in an upcoming Christian Confirmation of Faith Ceremony and can no longer attend, please complete the “Cancel Confirmation of Faith Ceremony Attendance Form” to cancel your attendance for the ceremony.
Congratulations on completing Steps 1 through 5! You’ve received your Christian Confirmation of Faith Certificate and have grown spiritually through the process. What is next? Your next steps are to do the things that will keep you growing in Christ and strengthen your faith.
- Be Consistent in Attending Church: Continue attending Sunday Services and Word Wednesday Bible Teaching to be strengthened through the Word of God.
- Stay Involved with Your Life Group: Be consistent in your involvement with your Life Group’s events and activities.
- Spend Time with God: Continue spending time with God in prayer and reading the Bible.
- Continue to Give: Remain faithful in giving your tithing and offering as a worship unto the Lord.
- Stay Engaged with Harvest Life Church: Stay connected and engaged with what God is doing at Harvest Life Church. You gain strength through being involved and fellowshipping with your brothers and sisters in Christ.
God has great things in store for your life! We look forward to seeing the amazing things He will do through you as you continue your journey of Christian faith!
1. Who can participate in the Next Steps Program? Harvest Life Church members, age 18 and up.
2. When are the ceremonies held? Every 5th Sunday during the 11:30 am service.
3. Can I pick up my certificate if I am unable to attend the ceremony but have completed my requirements? We ask that all participants be present for the ceremony as there will be a special prayer for all participants, a certificate presentation, photos taken of each participant and more. If you are unable to attend the upcoming ceremony, please ensure you attend the next one.
4. Do I have to be a member of Harvest Life Church to participate in this program? Yes. The Next Steps program is designed to help members of Harvest Life Church grow and be connected to the life of the ministry.
5. Is there a time limit for me to complete my steps? There is no specific timeframe to complete the Next Steps Program. However, we would like for you to complete them as soon as possible.
6. May I attend the ceremony virtually? We ask that all participants be present for the ceremony as there will be a special prayer for all participants, a certificate presentation, photos taken of each participant and more. If you are unable to attend the upcoming ceremony, please ensure you attend the next one.
7. May I invite my friends and family to attend? We encourage participants to invite their friends and family; they will be invited to join you at the front of the sanctuary during the ceremony as we pray the Confirmation Prayer.
8. May I take photos/videos during the ceremony? The church photographer(s) will take a picture of each participant and it will be available for download via our Harvest Life Church Facebook page. We ask that no additional photos or video (outside of those taken by designated ministry staff) be taken during the ceremony. We will have a backdrop available in the foyer for you and your family to take photos.
9. Is there special attire for the ceremony? Ceremony participants should wear a modest and respectful outfit. Suggested attire is a knee-length dress or skirt for women, and dress pants with a collared shirt and tie for men (no polos or rugby shirts). Please avoid overly casual clothing like jeans, tank tops, or very short skirts.
10. If I previously signed up to attend the ceremony and find out I can no longer participate, what should I do? Complete the “Cancel Confirmation of Faith Ceremony Attendance Form” to cancel your attendance and sign up for the next ceremony.