What if YOUR invitation was all it took to flip the switch in someone’s life and point them towards God. 

It often starts with a simple invitation.

“Do you want to join me for church?”

Some of us have grown up in the church, but for many people, their walk with Jesus starts with a simple invitation from a friend to join them at church. Whether it was a Sunday gathering, a mid-week experience, or a fun, outreach event, that simple ask – “will you join me?” – can be truly transformational in the life of the recipient.

God’s Word tells us that our main mission is here on earth. In fact, it is the Great Commission: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20

When we reach out to those around us, such as our friends, neighbors and co-workers, and invite them to join us for church, we give them the opportunity to experience authentic community and hear about the power of Jesus. This is one of the greatest things we could do for the people we love! Invite Somebody.

Provided below is an invite card you can use to invite someone online.

Instructions to Share
1. Click on the image (right-click if using a mouse).
2. Select from the menu to “share image” or “download” the image if you choose to share it via email as an attachment.
3. Share invitation with the person(s) you are inviting to church.