At Harvest Life, our leaders lead! One of the ways we do this is by our Worship Services. We have a variety of themed worship services that take place throughout the year – each one strategically designed to minister and lead others to Christ. Every Harvest Leader has an active role in carrying out the mission of the worship services. We’ve outlined some of the ways we are making an impact for the various types of worship services.
First Sunday Baptism and Communion (every 1st Sunday at 11:30 am)
As leaders, we should always be working to lead people from sin to salvation. As a part of this reach, we should lead them to make a commitment to Jesus Christ and be baptized.
Family Worship Sunday (every other month on 2nd Sunday at 11:30 am)
This is a special opportunity to reach out to family and friends and invite them to service where they receive powerful praise and worship, a life-changing Word, a special prayer for families and more. In addition, they will have an opportunity to:
• Dedicate their children (ages 0 – 4) to the Lord during our Parent and Child Dedication Ceremony
• Take a photo at our Family Photo Station
In addition, our leaders should also support this service by having their family wear matching colors.
Youth Sunday (every other month on 2nd Sunday at 11:30 am)
Our Youth Sundays present a great opportunity to lead your family for Christ by:
• Ensuring your youth (age 3 – grade 12) or any youth you know actively participate in our youth choirs, youth ministries and other activities surrounding Youth Sunday.
• Inviting your family and friends to attend service to support your child(ren) as they go forth in ministry.
In addition, Youth Sundays are a great evangelism tool. As you’re inviting others to church, lift up our Youth Ministry and encourage them to get their youth involved in Youth Sunday.
Worship and Life Group Sunday (every 3rd Sunday at 11:30 am)
Every leader belongs to a Life Group and your leadership should be felt on our Life Group Sundays by attending and engaging in your Life Group Meetings leading up to Life Group Sunday. Lead in your Life Group by attending rehearsals and singing with your Life Group Choir, wearing the designated attire and encouraging ministry members you lead and serve with to attend the Life Group Meetings/Rehearsals and Sunday Service.